Operation List

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Operation List

The operation list is where operations are created en masse. Operation information can also be edited in this list, as can process Custom Fields pertaining to the operation. Below is an example of an operation list. Each operation is mapped to a workstation. The operators at each station perform several tasks, or activities that make up the operations.

Operation List Example

Operation List Example

To create operations, select the appropriate routing and enter the information in the spreadsheet. At a minimum, include the OpSeqNo, Description, and Work Center when adding a new operation. The EffectiveToDate and EffectiveFromDate will automatically populate when a new operation is created, but these dates can be changed from the default values. The gray fields are not user-editable (Status, ID, Type, etc.), but cells with no fill color may be edited.

Copying and pasting from programs such as Microsoft Excel is available. Make sure the column headings in the operation list are parallel to the structure in the external program.

Right-Click Menu

In the Operation List tab, we no longer work directly with the routing, but with the operations and activities found underneath the routing. Because of this, the menu is different and deals with options for operations instead of the routing. To select an operation, left-click on the row header of the operation. With the operation highlighted, right-click to access the options that can be performed on the operation. Description of the options in the right-click menu are described below for the Operation List tab in the Routing editor.

Copy/Paste: Copies the operation's description, operation sequence number, and work center information. Pasting creates a new operation with the same details, but with a new ID.

Move or Copy To: Moves or Copies the entire operation to the routing you select. All operation properties will be retained, including all activities belonging to the operation.

Insert Operation: Inserts a new (Blank) operation row.

Delete Operation: Deletes the selected operation. If an operation is accidentally deleted, you can right click and select Undo Checkout on the routing to prevent the deletion of the operation from being saved to the database.

Clear Selected Data: Deletes the selected editable data.

Check Out/Check in: If the Routing is Checked Out, Operations can be Checked out and Checked in by selecting the Operation in the Operations Worksheet, and right-clicking the row header, displaying the Right-Click Menu below. The Check Out and Check In section of this manual gives a detailed description of the actions performed by each of the Check In/Check Out functions in the following screenshot.

Open: Opens the operation in the Operation Editor.

Advanced Sort and Advanced Filter: Allows you to organize the data.

Clear Sorting and Clear Filters: Clears any sorting or filtering you have set.

Customize View: The operation sheet view can be modified here by choosing which columns to display and in what order. This setting is stored for each user.


Right-Click Menu Options

Right-Click Menu Options