Station Details Sheet

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Station Details Sheet

Select Station: The station that is selected within this drop down will have its station details displayed below the scenario graph.  Alternately, you can double click on one of the bars in the graph to display that station's details below the graph.


Station Setup: The setup time that has been associated, in Tools>Edit Station Details, with this station.


Task List: Displays the list of tasks for the selected station.


Operator: The operator column identifies which operator within a station is assigned a given task. All tasks assigned to an operator will be shown together.


ID: This identifies the task by the activity ID.


Is Fixed: Indicates whether the task should be fixed to the station. You can fix/release a task by right-click -> Lock to/Unlock from station. When a task is fixed, it will not be moved during an automatic rebalance, but it can still be moved manually.


Description: This identifies the task by its description.


Net Time: The total time it takes to perform the task.


Wt. Time (Weighted Time): The factored time used when assigning tasks to stations with the weighted average algorithm. This time is calculated based on which models and options are mapped to each task, using the model demand percentage and the option penetration percentage as a multiplier to the Net Time. In the case of a single-model balance, this column will display the same value as the Net Time column, which is used in assigning tasks to stations.


Violations: The line balance tool will alert you to six different violations that may occur during a balance. There will be a flag showing in the "Violation" column when you are violating a constraint(s).You can move the mouse pointer to the top-right corner of the cell to check the violation details. In the toolbar, there is a "Violation Count" button that allows you to see all of the violations in the balance by station and operator.


Flag Color

Violation Type







Precedence Violation

A task has been assigned before the assignment of its predecessor(s). Occurs only when you manually changing the assignment (the auto balance will never violate the precedence constraint).



Resource Violation

A task requiring a specific resource is assigned to a station without that particular resource.



Monumental Resource Violation

A task requiring a monumental resource is assigned to a station without that particular resource.



Task Grouping Violation

Tasks in a station or an operator group are assigned to different stations or operators.



Work Zone Violation

A task requiring certain work zone(s) is assigned to a station without the corresponding work zone(s).






Inspection Violation

A task requiring an inspection has been set to the same station as the inspection. Any inspection value tagged with an asterisk at the end (*) will be identified as the activity task. No activity task (001*) and matching inspection group (001) can be in the same station.


Models: Lists the models included in the scenario that require the task. A blank is the default, and (depending on your database's preference setting) means that the task applies to all models.


Options: Lists the options included in the scenario that require the task. A blank is the default, and (depending on your database's preference setting) means that the task applies to all options.


Resource: Lists the resources required by the task.


Work Zone: If tasks have work zones associated with them, the work zones will be displayed here.


Group: If a task is included in a task group, the group ID will be shown.


Inspection: If a task is part of an inspection group, the inspection ID will be shown.


Find: Located in the menu bar on top of the graph; can be used to find any task in the balance. This Find control is similar to the functionality of the 'Where Used' search in other parts of Assembly Planner and will show the station(s) to which a particular task or set of tasks is assigned.


Task Model Data: Shows which models and options each task is applied to.


Operator: See explanation above.

ID: See explanation above.

Is Fixed: See explanation above.

Models: See explanation above.

Options: See explanation above.


Base Time: This is the same as the Net Time shown in the Task List spreadsheet. It is the time it takes to complete the task.


(Models): For every model included in the scenario, there will be a column displaying the task times used when distributing work and calculating takt time. This time factors the demand percentage and option penetration percentage for each model.



Resources: The resources that are mapped to the tasks assigned to the selected station.


Ergonomics: If the EMMURI module is enabled in your application and you have performed EMMURI analyses on your activities in the scenario, this tab will show the roll up of ergonomics data in each station.


Right-click Menu: Gives manual rearrangement options for after a balance. Right-click anywhere in the spreadsheet area to see the following options:

Note: If you want to apply any of these menu items to multiple tasks at once, simply using Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select multiple tasks, then right-click and select the desired option.


Change Assignment: Please see the Manually Assigning-Re-assigning Tasks section for details.


Remove Assignment: Moves the task to the "Unassigned" list, which tracks tasks that are currently not assigned to any station.


Lock to Station: If there are certain tasks that assigned to particular station in your current balance, you can fix that task to that station. This means that if you re-run the auto-balance with new conditions, the fixed tasks will still be assigned to the original station.


Unlock from Station: If you no longer want a task to be fixed, select this option.


Move Up: Moves the task higher in the station task list.


Move Down: Moves the task lower in the station task list.


Copy: This copies the information in the row you have selected to your computer's clipboard. You can paste this information in other applications, such as Excel.


Advanced Filter: Though you can use the basic filters located in each column of the station task spreadsheet, you can also filter the spreadsheet with more advanced criteria.


Clear Filters: Selecting this will clear any filters you have set.


Customize View: The Station Details sheet can be modified here by choosing which columns to display and in what order. This setting is stored for each user.