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In the modules, the data that was entered into the library is utilized and enhanced. The work that went into entering the data pays off here, because the time and effort required to perform tasks in the modules is much less than the time and effort required to perform these tasks outside of Assembly Planner.

In the Line Balancing module, examine several different line balancing scenarios. For example, the impact of adding or removing a workstation or a change in production rate can be examined. The line balancing module helps show how tasks can be arranged to achieve your objectives.

In the Work Instructions module, create a template to associate with activities so work instructions can be generated. These templates are usually user-defined, but Assembly Planner does come with a default work instructions template.

In the Ergonomics module, perform an ergonomic study to associate with every process. Typically, a user-defined template is used, but Assembly Planner does provide a default basic template.

In the Process Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (PFMEA) module, analyze each process step and identify causes and effects of potential failure modes. Assembly Planner follows a standard FMEA format.

In the Sequence Planner, compare the current line balance with an actual Order File. See when peak models appear and which stations will have bottlenecks.