Component Editor Reports

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Component Editor Reports

The following reports are accessible through the Reports menu when the Component Editor is open (all reports may not appear in your configuration of Assembly Planner):

Note: Components do not need to be checked out to generate a report in the Component Editor.

BOM Compare: Search for and select multiple Bills of Material and compare them. The report has a list of common parts (those that have the same ID, Revision, and Quantity), a list of parts with different quantities, and a list of parts with different revisions. The report header includes the date the report was generated and the user name of the creator.

To generate this report, enter or select the items to be compared in the spreadsheet shown below; to browse for the items, click the "Add" button. The components do not need to be checked out.

If you want to compare an eBOM, make sure that the 'Is eBOM?' flag is checked. Otherwise, the report will use the mBOM.

To filter the BOM by a date, check the 'Filter BOM?' flag and provide a date.

Check the 'Compare Multiple Level' box at the bottom to compare multiple levels of the BOM. Otherwise, the report will only compare the first level children.

If you would like a report that compares the engineering and manufacturing versions of the currently selected BOM, select the 'eBOM-mBOM Compare' report from the reports menu instead of 'BOM Compare'.

Input window for BOM Compare Report

Input window for BOM Compare Report

eBOM-mBOM Compare: Compare the engineering Bill of Materials to the manufacturing Bill of Materials for the selected component. The report has a list of common parts (those that have the same ID, Revision and Quantity), a list of parts with different quantities, and a list of parts with different revisions. The report header includes the date the report was generated and the user name of the creator.

mBOM Report: This reports the contents of the manufacturing bill of materials for the selected component. The ID, revision, level, description, type, quantity, and unit of measure for all sub-components are listed. The header includes the date and time of the last modification to the mBOM and which user modified it, as well as the date the report was created and the user that created it.

eBOM Report: This reports the contents of the engineering bill of materials for the selected component. The ID, revision, level, description, type, quantity, and unit of measure for all sub-components are listed. The header includes the date and time of the last modification to the eBOM and which user modified it, as well as the date the report was created and the user that created it.

Service Parts List: This report lists all parts currently flagged as service parts. Items are flagged as service parts when the IsServicePart Item field is checked; the ServicePartStatusChangeDate records when the service part changed status.

Service Parts Report: This report allows you to view more in-depth data on the service parts. The filter used to generate this report allows you to check any or all of the criteria Service Parts Added, Service Parts Removed, Service Parts not in MBOMs, and Service Parts not in Database. A date is selected, and then the report is generated.

Checked-out Components Report: This report shows all of the components that are currently checked out for edit. It displays the ID, Revision, Description of each component and who checked it out.

Checked Out Components Report

Checked Out Components Report

Time Comparison Report: This report shows and sums the calculated, estimated and observed VA, NVA, RNVA and Total times of activities by station. It provides the average work load percent based on the inputs of net Jobs per Hour and Overspeed %. The times can be displayed in percents or actual time format and the report can be filtered by models and options. This report can be run from the Component, Routing, Operation, and Activity Editors and the Line Balance Module.

The following reports are accessible through the right-click menu when you have selected an item in the Component Editor's Search Control:

Child Status Query: This report is similar to the Checked-out Components Reports, but instead of showing all checked-out components, this report shows only the checked-out child items of the particular item you have selected.

Where Used Report: This report shows similar information as the search run from the Where Used Tab, but can be printed and saved. Any eBOMs or mBOMs the item is a part of will be listed. The Complete Path represents the tree structure of the BOM, starting from the top level parent, working its way down to the direct parent of the selected item. The processes in which the item has been consumed are also listed. In this last table, the Complete Path shows the Routing ID (Type)/Operation ID (OpSeqNo)/Activity ID (ActSeqNo) where the part has been mapped in consumption. It also identifies whether the part has been consumed as a parent item or not.