Time Study

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Time Study

The Time Estimation module allows you to perform three different types of time studies: Calculated, Estimated, and Observed. Note that you can have multiple study files open at one time (if you were working on multiple process or operation studies, for example).

1.Calculated Time - The Calculated time is based on predetermined time systems (i.e. languages for describing human motion). Proplanner supports MODAPTS, MOST and all MTM standards, such as MTM-1, MTM-B, MTM-UAS, etc. See the Predetermined Time Studies section to see the systems currently supported. We also support user-defined standards.

2.Estimated Time - The estimated time is typically based on historical data, or past experience.

3.Observed Time - The observed time is based on classical stopwatch time studies. You can perform a stop watch study by either observing the task directly or recording a video of the task and performing the stop watch study from that video.

You can select a standard, select a time unit, set an allowance and also set percentages for 'value added (VA)', 'non-value added (NVA)' and 'semi-value added (SVA)'/'non value added but necessary (NVBN)' for all three studies.

The allowance percentage is used to compute the net time of the task. For estimated and predetermined times, you can set the allowance; however, for observed times, this allowance is the summation of the four types of allowances set in the settings tab (i.e. Personal, Variable Fatigue, Basic Fatigue and Delay).

Net Time = Total time (1 + (Allowance percentage/100))