Applying Scenarios

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Applying Scenarios

What 'Apply Scenario' Does

Once you have completed a line balance for a routing, you can choose to apply the scenario back to the routing library. Fields such as work centers, effectivity dates, and sequence numbers will automatically be updated for all of your operations and activities in the routing.


Applying a scenario may create new operations, assign each of them to a work center, and arrange activities within those operations, based on the line balance scenario.  It may create new activities, or it may move existing activities.  How the Apply routine works depends on the preference settings in your database.  You can review these in the Line Balancing Logic and Preferences section.


*Note: It is not recommended for all users to use the Apply Scenario routine.  Please consult your Proplanner representative if you have never applied a scenario before.  


When 'Apply Scenario' Should Be Used

When the line is physically changed from the current state to the state of one of the line balance scenarios, it is desirable to update the master process data to reflect the changes, especially when Assembly Planner is feeding routing data to the ERP/MRP system. 'Apply Scenario' saves you the trouble of going in to each activity and operation and updating work center, sequence, and other information to reflect the current reality.


Scenarios are not applied automatically, since multiple scenarios for the same line can exist, and the user(s) should decide which scenario to implement.  


How to 'Apply Scenario'

When you're ready to apply a scenario to the routing library, first confirm the following things:


Make sure that all stations in the scenario also exist in the Plant Editor's station list.  Otherwise, you will get the first error mentioned below.

Make sure the scenario's Target Date is the current date, or a date in the future.  Otherwise, you will get the second error mentioned below.

Make sure you have the routing and all processes underneath it checked out.  Otherwise, you will get the third error mentioned below.


*Note: Before the scenario is applied, it will automatically Refresh Scenario Data, so it is recommended to go to Edit>Refresh Scenario Data manually prior to running the Apply Scenario so you can review and confirm any changes that occur during the refresh.


Then, with the scenario open, go to Actions>Apply Scenario.  Then click the Apply button.  When it's finished, go to the routing library to review the new operations and activities.


Meaning of Error Messages

Missing Stations: If the stations in the line balance scenario are not present in the Plant Editor, an alert is thrown with the list of the missing stations. This happens if you create new stations from within the scenario, and when Assembly Planner automatically creates new stations because there are not enough existing stations available.


Current Date is Beyond Target Date: This alert appears if the date that the scenario is applied is beyond the "Target Date" of the scenario. To fix this, go to Edit > Scenario Details and change the target date.


Not Checked Out or Checked Out By Someone Else: This alert appears if the routing is not checked out by the user trying to apply a scenario and/or the routing is checked out by another user.