Program Sign On

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Program Sign On

The Program Sign On tab is designed to help track labor.  It has the following features:


Ability for an operator to select a Program Name from a dropdown menu, then scan badge number to sign on to that program.  A second badge scan will perform the sign-off from the same program, and should only be done when the work assigned to that program. has been completed. An operator may only be signed on to one program at any given time.  If the operator attempts to sign on to a new program, he or she will be automatically signed off from the current program.  An operator’s sign on is “universal” such that the operator is able to sign on and sign off of a program from different terminals.  


An administrative user interface allows Supervisors and Administrators to edit the list of active programs.  Note: Deletion of an existing program will NOT delete the previous work logs for that program.


Another administrative user interface allows Administrators to archive and clean previous program logs.




oAbility for each operator to query his log by program and day.


oAbility for Supervisors to obtain a report of all sign-ons by Program Name for ALL operators.


oAbility to export these reports to Excel.