Chamging the Scenerio

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Chamging the Scenerio

Change Proportions of Each Model

These steps will be looking at the way the weighted average balance performs when the proportions change.

1.Go to the Line Balance Module. Open a scenario.

2.Go to the "Edit" > "Routing and Model Details."

3.Change the proportions for the Models with a decimal between 0-1 that represents a percent.


4.Click "OK"

5. The routing's with a lot of model-specific content, the proportion of models can make a large difference in how work is distributed.


Change Assignment Manually

It is possible to change the assignment of tasks manually after performing an automatic balance.

1. Rick-click on the task and select "Change Assignment"


2. Choose the station you want the task assigned to.

3. You may want to check the station the task was moved to, sometimes doing it manually can cause precedence violations.


Exclude Tasks

If there are tasks in your routing that you do not want to include in a line balance, you have the option of excluding he tasks from the balance.

1. Go to "Edit" > "Task Details"

2. Click on the row containing the task to exclude and then click "Exclude"

3. Excluded tasks will not be assigned to any station, nor will they appear in the "Unassigned List."  For the scenario in which the task is excluded, it is as though the task does not exist.