WI Report_5 Body

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WI Report_5 Body

Section 3

1. Images: Will show the images that are correlated to each step. Can show up to 1 - 8 images.

Images Correlated to Each Step

Images Correlated to Each Step



Section 4

1. Step: Auto-generated, starting at 1, incrementing by 1.

2. Models: Model IDs mapped to the activity.

3. Work Procedure: Activity Description, max 8 steps per page.

4. Quality Characteristic: Control Plan Product Characteristics. A warning will be thrown if there are more than four.

5. Product / Process Control Specification:  Control Plan product / process / specification / tolerance.

6. Special Characteristic: Control Plan special characteristic class. S (safety), H (Homologation), F (Fault), D (Dimensional)

7. Method: Control Plan Control Method

8. Frequency: Control Plan Frequency

9. Reaction: Control Plan Reaction Plan




Section 5

1. Step: Auto-generated.

2. Model: Consumption Model IDs

3. Part Description: Consumption Part Description.

4. Part Number: Consumption Part ID.

5. Quantity: Consumption Quantity.

6. Data Format: Consumption Custom Field



Section 6

1. Past Problem History: Operation Text field in the Operation List.